08.19.2013 19:14

Getting a Sparcstation 5!

Well it's been a long time since I added another computer to the collection. And now that I'm married I ended up getting rid of the more boring machines to my dad for a project. But I have some algorithms that need a machine running 24/7, and running these genetic algorithm scripts on a public server always runs the danger of hogging all their resources. So I've been running my Sparcstation 10 24/7 at home for my little number crunching and meta-programming ideas. It's slow but I did not notice it's effect on the power bill this month which helps it earn it's keep in the office.

I recently obtained a Sparcstation 5 from a fellow SDF'er this week. He gave away his Sparcstation 5 which will be a nice upgrade to the 10 I have because I only have 16 MB of RAM and his has 64 MB. It's amazing how these old machines are still being used today. I walked around the fab at work today and noticed that our Azores stepper tool uses a little Sparcstation 5 for it's control interface. Check it out!

image goes here

I hope the 5 I'm getting soon will have Solaris installed, then I could use it to help out my co-workers with any system admin needs on that old 5! Bonus points for getting it. ^_^


Posted by Jovan Trujillo | Permalink

08.05.2013 22:57

My blog has moved...

Well my blog hasn't moved very far. I moved it from my MetaArpa account to the MetaArray hoping that one little bug in the nanoblogger calendar would fix itself by moving to Linux. Guess not, guess it's in the code and not a problem with the NetBSD. Oh well at least now I have more hard disk space to work with ^_^


Posted by Jovan Trujillo | Permalink