06.28.2013 20:01
It's been a while since I wrote in this blog. Some of the latest things I've been working on here at SDF is a lot of Lisp development for a summer project contest. I wanted to start work on a C to Lisp interpreter and found out that it's been done before but still has plenty of room for improvement. The original software I found was called Zeta-C and ran on Symbolics Lisp Machines. A man has ported that code to a common lisp version called Vacietis. Vacietis works but needs a few more things like adding the time.h library and other details regarding handling specific datatypes and such. I started on it earlier this week and am currently focusing on the time.h library implementation.
Other things I have been playing around with is the Icon library, which ukato and metaArpa have installed but I soon discovered today that it is an old version and so I compiled my own copy for use on Ukato and MetaArpa. Running low on space on these servers so I moved all my source code from my documents folder to the www web server partition. Tried to compile Unicon on the MetaArray but ran into problems with their libpng code.