12.30.2006 20:49
Testing 1..2..3...
So I'm trying to get the hang of
using nanoblogger. It's pretty cool but it also has some quirks. I
don't like how it re-generates the calendar right now. That low 31
is bothering me. Other than that though things are going pretty
well. I have 4 blog sites! Don't know what I'm going to be doing
with all of them but at least one of them (not this one) can
support PHP and therefore people can add comments. I haven't
figured exactly how that plugin works yet. So I'm spending my
Saturday doing something else besides work again. Though this is
somewhat related to what I should be doing right now, which is
writing. I made a blog for my research just to help motivate
myself. -----
12.30.2006 09:49
My First Blog!
Well I finally did it. I have decided
to start blogging like so many others are doing right now. Most of
my friends are blogging through myspace.com, but of course I have
to be different and put these shell accounts to work. It also helps
me learn more about web development. I found the perfect bit of
software to make a basic blog website easy. It's called nanoblogger
and since it's completely written in bash I could run it at SDF
without having to pay for the ARPA membership ^_^ I might
eventually pay for ARPA, since I really need to play with PHP, perl
scripts and general programming type stuff. Plus I get a lot of
disk space for a one year payment of $35 bucks. But for now I like
making the most out of what little I have available. Plus
nanoblogger is a nice template for me to learn about various things
like advanced bash scripting, cgi, CSS, etc... So welcome friends
to my blog site. I hope I can entertain you inside my little world.